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Public interest disclosures

1. As a public entity, Cenitex is subject to the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (“PID Act”).

      2. A public interest disclosure (“PID”) is a report, complaint or allegation about:

      a. improper conduct of a public officer or public body; or

      b. detrimental action a public officer or public body perpetrated against a person in reprisal for having made a PID or cooperated with an investigation of a PID.

      3. Cenitex is not an agency authorised to receive PIDs, so such disclosures must be referred to other integrity bodies such as the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC), the Victorian Inspectorate or the Integrity and Oversight Committee.

      4. You can disclose information about Cenitex or its staff by contacting Sharon Copeland-Smith, our Cenitex PID Coordinator verbally or in writing at

      5. You can also disclose directly to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC). For more information, visit IBAC website: