Freedom of Information Part II Statement
We aim to make our information and documents easily accessible by members of the public. The statements listed in this part outline the functions of Cenitex and provide a non-exhaustive list of the types of information and documents we hold in relation to our functions.
If you cannot find the information you are searching for after reviewing these statements and conducting a search of our website, we encourage you to email and ask if the information you are seeking is available. In many instances we will be able to provide you with the information you are seeking without requiring you to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act).
1. Organisation and functions
Cenitex is a Victorian government state owned enterprise that provides shared ICT services and technology to government departments and agencies.
Created as a state-owned enterprise on 16 July 2008, Cenitex delivers essential ICT services to the Victorian Government, such as identity and network management, security, user workspace, and cloud services. We provide these services with an emphasis on efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and at a level that individual departments working independently could not achieve.
2. Categories of Documents
Cenitex creates many documents and records in the course of its work.
Document types
The types of documents that we have in our possession include:
• policies, procedures, and standards
• briefings and reports
• training and education material
• employee records
• operational records
• registers
• correspondence
• meeting minutes and records
• financial records
• procurement records
• technical documentation
• audio-visual material.
Document categories
The following categories of documents are maintained by Cenitex:
• Administrative;
• Financial management;
• Human resources;
• Legal;
• Policy; and
• Operational.
3. Freedom of Information Arrangements (7.v. vi)
The Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) provides you with the right to request access to documents held by Cenitex.
Before you make a request for access
You are encouraged to check if the information or document you are seeking is already publicly available such as in our most recent annual report, on our website or via
Where you cannot find the information or document you are seeking, we encourage you to contact us at and ask if the information or document you are seeking is available or can be provided to you. In many instances we will be able to provide you with the information you are seeking without requiring you to make a formal request for access.
Making a Freedom of Information request
You can make a formal request for access by emailing or by mail to:
Freedom of Information Officer
PO Box 2750
Melbourne VIC 3001
A request must be made in writing, and clearly describe the information or document you are seeking access to. If we cannot clearly identify the information or documents you are requesting, we will contact you to clarify your request.
Processing your request
Once we understand what information or document you are seeking, we will process your request and provide you with a decision as soon as possible but no later than 30 days after the date of your request. Note that we may extend the 30-day period by up to an additional 15 days if consultation with third parties is required.
4. Rules, policies and procedures
Cenitex has a range of policies and procedures that govern our daily operations and support the administrative functions of our business. These include:
5. Publications and Report Literature
Cenitex produces a number of publications which can be accessed and downloaded from our website using search or by navigating through the website.
Here is our most recent annual report.
If you need assistance finding information, please contact us at